Honoring Mothers

What a wonderful thing it is to honor our mothers each May on a special Sunday! Our Church takes the time each May to honor our Blessed Mother and there are no sweeter times for families who gather, celebrate and honor the women who have made them who they are.

Whatever you are planning for your mother and your families will be special and wonderful. When you plan from your heart, all is beautiful and appreciated. You create memories, and the joy and laughter come from your sincerity. Grand plans are never necessary; what matters most is your presence, your love and the quiet, simple ways in which you express it.

In the same way, your prayers become grand through the simplicity of your heart's expression of love. Prayer unites us to our mothers and to the Blessed Mother. Our needs, wants and desires are first made known to our mothers, and throughout our lives we go to them to for affirmation, understanding and direction. Likewise, we go to Mary for the same consolation. If we are fortunate to have our mothers with us, we are truly blessed. Don't let any moment go by without expressing your love and appreciation. Don't wait for grand opportunities, make simple moments grand! If we are missing our mothers these days of remembrance, we know the hole that exists within us and the hurt which surfaces each mother's day in a vivid way. Let us join in union of prayer for all mothers, living and deceased, that our dear Blessed Mother blesses us and them in a special way.

O good and sweet Blessed Mother,
we are thankful for your love and guidance
and for the great intercession to your
beloved Son, Jesus, on our behalf.
Please ask your dear Son to bless our mothers
with health, joy and favor that all they do
may glorify your holy name. Amen.

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