With Our Faith, We Are Never Alone

By Caitlin Bootsma

For several years, one of my children was struggling with meltdowns at school. It was frustrating for him for many reasons, an important one being that it seemed like he was "the only one" dealing with this. From his perspective, there he was, overwhelmed and unsure, while everyone else seemed to be just fine.

Perhaps you, or the children you care for, can relate to this. There are times when all of us wish that someone understood us or had walked in our shoes and was OK in the end.

The fact is, that as part of the universal Church, we are never truly alone.

When we undergo trials, or feel alone, we can turn to:

The Lord. First and foremost, God is with us always. He wants us to come to Him with our joys and our sorrows. If you have something heavy on your heart, seek him out in the tabernacle! You may choose to bring spiritual reading or the Rosary, but you can also simply visit the Lord, asking for His mercy and consolation. If you can't get there in person, you can always reach out in prayer, or even find virtual adoration!1  Teaching by word and example that you can always go to church or pray is an invaluable lesson to kids.

Guardian Angels. Did you know that St. Josemaria used to greet people's guardian angels before he said hello to them? It is astounding that each one of us has an angel watching over us! Adults and children alike should lean on them, asking them to "ever this day be at my side to light, to guard, to rule, to guide."

The Saints. If there is a challenge you are facing, chances are that a saint has faced it before you! The lives of the saints can give us hope—hope that while life is not always easy, Christ calls us to encounter Him face-to-face in heaven. The saints are not just good examples, they are our friends. Spend the time getting to know the saints and asking for their intercession. They understand what our earthly journeys are like and are eager to bring our petitions to God.

The Body of Christ. We're not perfect, but the people of God here on earth are one family, united by the Eucharist. God has given us one another to provide support, form friendships, and help one another grow in relationship with God. Seeking out people in your church to form a community with is worth the effort. If you're having trouble meeting people in your parish, ask your pastor! He may know of people or groups that would be a great fit for you.

Next time you're struggling, remember the Communion of Saints. Choose one simple way to grow in relationship with God, the angels, the saints or your Church community. What a blessing it is to have not only our family and friends, but a heavenly host of angels who care for us.

1 https://www.bostoncatholic.org/virtual-adoration

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