Saint Dominic

Arm yourself with prayer instead of a sword; be clothed with humility instead of fine raiment.
Saint Dominic 

We have a great Saint to raise our voices to in prayers of intercession through Dominic, whose feast day is celebrated on August 8. Saint Dominic was the founder of the Dominicans, Order of Friars Preachers, a religious order of mendicant friars with a universal mission of preaching.

Dominic, from Spain, studied for the priesthood and became a canon in the cathedral of the Kingdom of Castile. Through his travel with the local Bishop, Dominic encountered heresies that separated people from the Church. Dominic tried to convert the people from their austere ways and bring them back to the Church, but only succeeded when he approached people on their own level, in a very humble posture. Dominic became a preacher of the people embracing poverty and traveling simply. He converted many, eventually attracting followers and forming the great Order of Preachersthe Dominicans. This great order has contributed much to the Church over the centuries espousing the wonderful motto, Laudare, Benedicere, Praedicare, "To Praise, To Bless, To Preach."

It is interesting to point out that Saints Dominic and Francis of Assisi were friends having met in Rome and continuing their friendship through their mutual love of founding great orders of religious men and women to serve the Church.  

Saint Dominic believed strongly in academic study, and bringing the Word of God to enlighten people through outstanding preachinga gift which the Church benefits from to this day. He is a model for each of us, that we might be open to the paths that God sets forth as surprises to us, that if taken, can blossom into a life of rich blessing.

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